DELTA delivers two Patient Isolation Units to the Emergency Aid Centre

In their effort to join the fight against Covid-19–and offer long-term support to the national health system–DELTA delivers two Patient Isolation Units to the Emergency Aid Centre. These ultra-modern units prevent the transmission of the virus from patients to medical staff, as they operate under conditions of either positive or negative pressure. They are mostly used for the air transport of patients from remote areas and help to protect both patients and air crew.

Upon DELTA’s delivery of the two units, the president of the Emergency Aid Centre, Nicholas Papaefstathiou said: “We’d like to express our warmest thanks to DELTA for this donation, which will help to cover the Centre’s–and particular the Air Transport Department’s–basic needs in negative-pressure chambers for both air and sea transport. In these difficult times, characterized by the SARS–CoV-2 crisis, such actions ought to be emphasized so that everyone is aware of who supports the efforts of public health entities like the Emergency Aid Centre.”

DELTA’s donation to the Ministry of Health took place under the Emergency Aid Centre’s strict specifications and guidelines. Both chambers were delivered immediately to the Centre, since there is a shortage of such units. Their addition will help to improve the Centre’s capabilities in patient transport.